Special Educational Needs
At Shavington Academy, we observe the Special Educational Needs Code of practice (2015) & the Equality Act (2010).
Our vision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people – that they achieve well in their early years, at school and in college, and lead happy and fulfilled lives
(Special Education Needs Code of Practice, 2015)
Identification and Stages of SEN
Children with SEND are identified as early as possible within our setting. Initial identification is usually through transition with the feeder primary schools, from year 5, where the transition co-ordinator liaises with the school about student’s needs, progress, behaviour and support that they are currently receiving. For those with Education Health and Care plans, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator will attend the pupil’s year 6 annual review.
There are three stages of SEN followed throughout Cheshire East:
- First Concerns- At this stage, teachers or parents have recognised traits of SEN, or mild SEN and a profile is put together with needs and strategies to support the pupil. This is shared with all key staff and reviewed yearly, or sooner if the need arises.
- SEN Support- At this stage, there is clear evidence of SEN, usually at a moderate level. The pupil is likely to be accessing more direct intervention (such as teaching assistant support, access arrangements etc). A plan, do, review process is followed and reviewed termly with clear targets and strategies.
- Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP)- A small minority of pupils cannot have their needs meet at the SEN Support stage due to their complex SEN. At this stage, the school (or parents) will apply to the local council for an EHCP. This process can only be completed once the SEN Support plan has been reviewed a minimum of 3 times. Pupils with EHCPs are granted individual funding from the council to help with providing resources to support the child’s needs. This plan is formally reviewed annually.
4 Areas of Need
The 4 Areas of Need
Social, emotional and mental health
This need refers to young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education.
It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions. For both groups, issues can include (amongst others):
Cognition and Learning
This can include (amongst other difficulties):
Sensory or Physical Needs
This can include (amongst other difficulties):
Communication and Interaction
This can include (amongst other difficulties):
Provisions for Every Pupil
Attainment and behaviour
Targeted Provisions
Social, emotional and mental health
Roles & Responsibilities
SENCo: Mrs V Hammond | |
Deputy SENCo: Mrs G Humphries | |
To contact any members of the SEN Department, please email senco@shavington.academy |
Role of a Class Teacher
The role of all our teachers is to help every child in their class reach their potential. They are there to form positive relationships with students and create a positive productive learning environment. It is the teacher’s responsibility to monitor the progress of all students carefully in all lessons, differentiate effectively and deliver a relevant and engaging curriculum that fosters success.
Teachers will follow the school’s behaviour and marking policies to ensure all students have a consistent experience and be fully aware of SEND students and how to meet their needs effectively. All teachers are required to report to parents, regarding your child’s progress in their subject.
All school staff have a good awareness of SEND through regular staff meetings, pastoral briefings for all teachers and the distribution of support plans or Education Health and Care Plans. Information on learners’ needs and effective teaching strategies is kept on an electronic shared area. These are confidential to school staff and any other stakeholders involved in the plan. Staff will be made aware when these are updated or changed and new copies made available.
Other Staff Involved in my Child's Education
All students have a Form Tutor who they meet with every morning who will monitor a pupil’s progress and well-being and have regular discussions with all pupils as to how they feel about school, their progress etc. Other staff who support students in our school include our Pastoral Team, Teaching Assistants, Office staff and our Attendance Officer as well as a range of support staff from IT technicians to canteen staff. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are a small school, which means that the majority of staff know most of our pupils. The school Special Educational Needs Coordinator will oversee the provision for all pupils with SEND and they may work individually with students, conduct regular reviews and liaise with parents, school staff and agencies on behalf of students with SEND.
The Student Voice
The views of your child are very important to us and there are a number of opportunities for them to be listened to. This includes daily contact with their form tutor and those on a SEN Support Plan or Education Health and Care Plan will receive regular reviews. We have a school council and use pupil surveys such as the pass survey which informs future interventions and actions taken by the school.
Working Together
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator liaises with organisations such as the Cheshire East Autism Team, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), and the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Team and disseminates advice and appropriate strategies with pupils that require extra support. Our teaching Assistants have undertaken training in literacy and numeracy strategies, dyslexia training and have a wealth of experience of supporting those with a variety of needs.
Shavington Academy acknowledges and is committed to the rights of the child to
develop the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential;
(UN Convention on the rights of the child, 1990)
Our building is fully wheelchair-accessible on the ground floor, and lessons can be timetabled as to avoid any upstairs classrooms. Dedicated SEND spaces are available as are slopes for wheel chair access. We also provide disabled toilet and changing facilities. All students with SEND are encouraged and supported to access all facilities within the school. This may be with the support of a Teaching Assistant, peers or any other nominated member of staff.
The school has a range of equipment and facilities that it can draw on to support pupils. These include overlays, differentiated resources, and Laptops for pupil use. Teachers are routinely facilitating readability of slides and material through enlarged print, colour-specific backgrounds or audio aids. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator will make a strategic decision as to how such resources might be allocated. For any specialist equipment the school does not have, that is felt necessary, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator would liaise with the relevant advisory agency. Parents will be involved in the use of any extra equipment or facilities.
As an inclusive school setting we aim to ensure that all pupils, regardless of need, are able to attend enrichment opportunities such as after school clubs, school trips etc. Therefore, we work with parents and staff leading these opportunities to enable pupils with SEND to attend safely. This may include a buddy system or Teaching Assistant support on the visit, accompanied by an appropriate risk assessment. We have a range of after school clubs and activities throughout the year for all students; many of the clubs are accessible by all regardless of need. For those pupils whose very high levels of need may mean that the standard out of school activities/visits on offer are inappropriate, we seek to liaise with families about suitable alternatives (for example a parent accompanying them).
At Shavington Academy, we are aware that some pupils may require additional support in the transition process. As an SEN department, we are committed to supporting the wellbeing and achievement of all learners regardless of additional needs. In this section you will find some key information regarding the transition of SEN pupils to Shavington Academy.
Key names:
SENCo: Victoria Hammond
Deputy SENDCo: Mrs G Humphries
We are supported by a team of dedicated Teaching Assistants who work alongside subject teachers in ensuring the best possible outcomes for all pupils.
For any enquiries please contact senco@shavington.academy
Wellbeing & Keeping Students Safe
Shavington Academy is a close-knit, caring and inclusive community. Pupils are polite and welcoming. They enjoy school.
The Pastoral System
Medical Health
We are aware that some children with SEND also have medical or personal care needs which require attention during the school day, including the administration of medication. To allow staff to administer medication we require parental consent which details the doses and times that it is taken. The medication is kept in pupil reception which is locked and pupils know this is where they go to get their medication. Any medication given out is recorded by the member of staff who administered it.
Medical Emergency
In the case of a medical emergency, two first aiders are required to attend the scene and make judgement as to whether to call for medical help and an ambulance, and parents would always be informed, immediately. Any first aid given and actions taken by first aiders would be recorded fully. We have staff trained in the use of epi pens and all staff have been advised how to spot the warning signs of conditions such as diabetes and what steps they must then take.
Medical Appointments
If students have medical appointments we ask that parents inform the school of the impending absence and we will code it as an authorised absence in the register. If appointments are likely to be frequent and potentially have an effect on progress, then we may ask for medical evidence such as appointment letters, and can make arrangements to support a child with catching up any work they may have missed.
Safety Outside the Classroom
The school day begins with form time but students can enter the school building before the start of the day and spend time in the library which is opened at 8.20 or stay in Café Options, our canteen area. We don’t have an official before or after school club, but we can offer those with SEND entrance through visitor reception where it is quieter, and where they can be picked up from by parents, if this style of secure handover will aid their experience. At break time, students can go to a quiet room supervised by a member of the pastoral team, and we have a range of lunch clubs that operate every day which are safe areas where students are supervised. These provide a safe space for pupils. All school trips are fully risk assessed and all trip leaders have to take into account the needs of those attending with SEND and provide appropriate provision to ensure the safety of those with SEND.
Who are the students with Special Educational Needs?
At Shavington Academy, we recognise students as having Special Educational Needs if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.
How will you know about your child'd SEN?
We work closely with our primary school colleagues to ensure that all relevant SEN information is passed across and adapted for our setting. This is then shared with all staff members involved in your child’s school experience. We also attend review meetings for Y6 EHCP students. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if you would like to make us aware of any additional needs separately.
What can i expect once my child is placed on the SEN register?
All members of staff will be informed of your child’s needs, and the strategies that are to be used to support them, both inside and out of the classroom. This will be reviewed regularly and staff will be informed of any updates.
I think my child may have dyslexia, or dyscalculia. What can i do about getting them a diagnosis and extra support?
We are able to screen pupils for both dyslexia and dyscalculia. This is not a formal diagnosis, but will inform on whether pupils show traits of either learning need, and to what extent. Teachers will be informed of these results, so that support can be put in place. If the learning need impacts on a pupil’s ability to perform in exams, they will be assessed for access arrangements (such as a reader, or extra time) in Year 10. Literacy and Numeracy form time intervention groups are in place for Year 7 students requiring extra support.
What pastoral support can my child expect to receive?
There is a dedicated pastoral team at Shavington, who have experience of working with pupils with a range of SEN. Each pupil will have a form tutor and assistant pastoral leader who will support them. Your child’s form tutor should be the first port of call for any concerns, and they will then liaise with appropriate staff to ensure support is put in place. However, pupils can also choose to speak to any member of staff with whom they feel comfortable.
My child has been granted access arrangements (extra time, a reader, a scribe) for their exams in primary school. Will this be the case in High School also?
We ask that pupils complete their first informal assessment without access arrangements, in order to provide evidence of the need for this by the time of their end of year exams. All teachers will be consulted over which pupils may require access arrangements half way through the school year, so that this can then be implemented for all main assessments. Pupils have to be assessed externally in Year 10 in order to qualify for access arrangements for their GCSEs.
What stratagies will staff use to support my child with their SEN?
All staff attend regular training led by the school SENCo, as well as external experts. These sessions focus on strategies to use to best support pupils with a range of SEN. Staff also make use of Cheshire East’s SEN toolkit, a comprehensive guide of strategies recommended by the authority. Finally, individual pupils will have strategies specific to their own need listed on their profile for staff to make use of. This will be reviewed and updated regularly.
Can you offer support with my child's homework?
We offer a homework club after school in the library from 3:30-4:00, staffed by members of the pastoral team who will be there to support pupils with their homework. MU1 is also open before school for pupils to complete work. Both rooms have printing facilities.
What can i be doing at home to help my child?
The best way to support your child is through offering encouragement. Keep in regular contact with the school via your child’s form tutor, and the SENCo, as appropriate. For more specific needs, see the resources section here (link to resources) where there are a number of ideas to support a range of SEN from home.
Where can i find impartial and confidential advice and support?
Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support (CEIAS) are a local support network who offer free confidential support and information to children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their carers. See more details on their website at: http://www.ceias.cheshireeast.gov.uk/home.aspx
What happens if i have a concern or complaint about the school's SEND Provision?
We welcome your views on your child’s learning, so please contact us if you are worried about your child’s learning or wellbeing. For specific complaints regarding your child’s special needs provisions, please contact our SENCO, Mrs Hammond through reception 01270 260717.
Policies & Local Offer
- SEN Policy
- Cheshire East Local Offer
- SEN Information for Stakeholders
- Accessibility Plan
- Cheshire East SEND Team & Needs Assessment
- Equality Act
- SEND Code of Practice
- Statutory Guidance
- UN Conventions